
  1. Think these questions before jumping start on a project
    • Why do we need it?
    • Why do we need it now?
    • Can we do it now?
  2. Get all stakeholders align on these questions.
    • Slack
    • Comments
    • Meeting
    • In Person

    Choose whichever I feel the most comfortable. Personally, I feel more comfortable using Slack on comments. But whichever channel, convey the message.

  3. Repriortization happens. Be elegant and don’t take it personal.


  1. 开始一个项目之前,要先思考的问题:
    • 为什么要做?
    • 为什么要现在做?
    • 现在有没有条件做?
  2. 让所有的重要决策人员对于以上问题达成一致
    • 钉钉
    • 文档留言
    • 开会
    • 见面聊


  3. 业务需求变动是常有的事情,保持优雅,不要钻牛角尖。